Sunday, November 11, 2018

How Water Can Accelerate Weight Loss

The average adult human body is approximately 50-65% water. Cells are made up of about 70% water. Water is crucial for overall good health and wellbeing. Most people do not drink as much water as they should. Water should be taken in in high amounts if one is trying to be healthy, but especially if one is trying to lose weight. Water can significantly increase weight loss success!

Drinking water is critical when on a weight loss journey. It has countless benefits that lead to more weight loss. To begin, drinking water causes your body to burn more calories. It helps to speed up the metabolic rate, causing more calories to be burned. This increase is even higher is the water is ice cold, as the body must warm the water before it uses it, which uses energy. Also, when trying to lose weight most people are involved in some sort of workout plan that they are not used to on a normal basis. This dehydrates your body, so an increase in water will help to rehydrate the body and the muscles. Being dehydrated can lead to fatigue, which only slows progress. Water helps to flush out toxins within the body. In order to lose weight, you want a clean slate, or in this case body, to start with in order to get the most results. Drinking a full glass of water before every meal will decrease appetite, allowing more appropriate portions to be eaten. And if it is drank regularly throughout the day, it helps keep the hungry feeling away, so you don't go running to the vending machine every few hours.

There are a variety of other benefits of drinking water as well. More water will help to increase mood and lead to clear skin. It can help treat and prevent headaches or migraines. More water will facilitate digestion and assist in getting rid of constipation. Water helps to regulate body temperature and aids in many other bodily functions.

Just as there are plenty of excuses for not working out or getting in shape, there are plenty for not drinking enough water too. The taste can be modified by adding fruits, such as, lemons, limes, or berries. As a matter of fact, lemon water is proven to have several health benefits. Some people don't drink enough water because they simply forget. Try buying a water bottle with a straw, as you are more likely to drink more than out of a bottle with an open mouth. Another trick is to buy a water bottle that has the ounces marked on the side. Then take a marker and mark how much water you need to drink by every hour of the day. This will ensure that you get your daily amount in. Don't just drink water when you are thirsty, drink it when you aren't thirsty. If you are thirsty you are already dehydrated. The goal is to stay ahead of the game. These are just a few ideas to get yourself to get the recommended amount of water you should be drinking daily. Eventually it will become a habit and you won't be able to leave the house without a water bottle.

Drinking water is key to a healthy lifestyle. When trying to lose weight, it is especially important, as it keeps your body clear and hydrated allowing for a better pathway to weight loss. It has numerous benefits, like reducing fatigue, headaches, constipation, or hunger. There are many ways to get into the habit of drinking enough water to satisfy your body. You just have to be a little creative. Drinking the right amount of water everyday will definitely speed up weight loss, but will also lead to a healthier and happier life style.

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How Tummy Tuck Surgery Makes You Look Beautiful

Have you been exercising and focusing especially on your abdomen area, but fail to get any positive outcomes?

If you have excessive fat or skin in your stomach area that won't lessen even after you have tried dieting and exercising, then you might need to consider tummy tuck surgery, also known as abdominoplasty in medical terminology.

This surgery straightens your stomach area by expelling excess fat and skin, and fixing muscles in the abdomen wall.

However, you need to realize that it's a major surgery that should only be performed by a qualified and experienced surgeon. So in case you're thinking about getting it, first you need to gather more and more information about abdominoplasty, completely analyse your own condition and don't make any hasty decision.

A tummy tuck is often seen as the final solution for people who are troubled by excess skin and fat in abdomen area, even after trying all the different measures of reducing weight. Remember, you should consider this surgery as an alternative to weight loss.

Who Can Get A Tummy Tuck?

Any man or woman who is in good health is an ideal candidate for this surgery. Don't confuse tummy tuck with liposuction (a cosmetic surgery performed to expel excess fat from the body). However, there's a possibility that your surgeon may choose to perform liposuction as a section of a tummy tuck surgery.

Multiple pregnancies may result in stretched muscles and skin, so women suffering from this problem can opt for this surgery to tighten those muscles and reduce excess skin. A tummy tuck is likewise an option for people who are suffering from obesity at some point in their lives and still have too much of fat or loose skin in the stomach area.

How Tummy Tuck Surgery Is Performed?

Relying upon your desired outcomes, tummy tuck surgery can take around 4 to 5 hours to complete. The level of intensity and severity will determine whether surgery will be performed as an in-patient or outpatient basis.

The surgery is performed after general anaesthesia is given to the patient, which will put the patient to sleep amid the operation. It's vital to bring somebody with you to the cosmetic clinic, so he/she can drive you back home after the surgery. If you are required to stay at the cosmetic clinic for 1 or 2 nights, then ask a friend or family member to stay with you for at least during the night.

Before this surgery, you and your specialist will talk about your expectation from the surgery, and he will decide the right method during the consultation. All you have to do is to visit the best cosmetic clinic that delivers desired outcomes.

How To Use Tea For Weight Loss

What We Drink Now

We all have those problem areas that we want to get rid of. Recently a lot of people have been using detox tea as a way to lose weight. Actually, detox tea may not be the best way to lose those extra pounds. A lot of detox tea's contain a tea leaf called senna. Senna is a natural laxative and is used to clear the bowel. This will help you lose weight but not the weight you are trying to lose. It's more of the pure body fat we are trying to burn and a laxative is not doing quit that. In fact, if you consume too much senna your body can become dependent on it to have bowel movements, and can even deplete your body of natural nutrients.

So What To Do

Instead of using detox tea, look for teas that are high in antioxidants. Usually, these teas will be of your green tea variety. Matcha green tea for instance has the highest level of antioxidants compared to any other natural tea on earth. Matcha is also powdered and not in leaf form like most tea, so you digest more of the teas benefits when you drink it. And because of the antioxidants your body blocks the absorption of fat cells and increases your metabolism, which helps aid in weight loss. Remember the goal isn't to lose weight but to burn fat, and that is what green tea will do.

So How Do We Use It

So the best way to use matcha green tea to lose weight will be to drink one or two cups a day. But hold on that's not all. You need to also maintain a healthy diet, low in fats and high in fiber... so all your green veggies. Then you will also want to maintain a healthy workout routine as well. I would say cardio for 20 minutes at least 3 times a week. With the combination of these three things you will not only look better and feel better but you will also burn fat and that is the goal right.

How To Incorporate Matcha

In order to get the most from your matcha add it to protein shakes and smoothies. Since matcha is already a powder it makes for a perfect additive. Oh yeah, don't forget matcha is great as a tea both hot and iced.

Well I hope you got something out of this and that I have opened your eyes to detox tea. Most of them are not ideal for weight loss, but green tea can be the holy grail (consult your doctor before taking any supplements or doing any strenuous activity).

How to Use Caviar for Weight Loss and Improving Your Health

In this article, we would like to tell you how caviar can help you be healthy and lose weight. There is a lot of information about red caviar, but no one writes about other types of caviar and their health effects. We would like to write about pike caviar, because this type of caviar is as popular as red and black, and it is also much cheaper.

Sometimes diets consist of a large number of carbohydrates and a small number of proteins. Everyone should know that if you want to lose weight, it is not enough just to reduce the amount of carbohydrates, but in your menu you need to add protein-containing foods. Everyone knows that products like meat and cheese contain protein, but everyone forgets that seafood (especially caviar) contains a large amount of protein and contains less fat than red caviar. Delicatessen pike caviar can help you add high-quality protein to your menu. Low caloric content of this type of caviar can be useful for everyone who wants to lose weight.

Pike eggs have many useful properties. It is recommended for people with problems with low hemoglobin. This caviar contains iron, which helps improve blood. Caviar is one of the few sources of fluoride. This helps to strengthen the enamel of the teeth and prevent tooth disease. The product also contains chromium, copper, calcium, which increases its biological value as an additional source of minerals. Traditionally, caviar is recommended for people with high mental and physical stress, those who wish to recover from diseases, operations and injuries. It is useful for those who want to maintain and improve their health in a difficult, stressful period of life.

The general rule - do not give pike eggs to children under 3 years old. In the earliest period of life, it is recommended to use other available sources of vitamin D and fatty acids. At an early age, natural sources of collagen can cause allergies in children.

It is necessary to monitor the quality of pike caviar. Raw caviar can often have a parasitic infection. In general, classical dietetics does not recommend the use of fresh raw caviar, even if you can find many recipes with fresh caviar. It is usually recommended to mix pike caviar and salt. Raw fish without parasites are safe, so if you have the opportunity to test the product, you can eat caviar fresh and without salt. We do not recommend eating large amounts of salted caviar for patients with hypertension, people with kidney, liver, cardiovascular and gastrointestinal diseases. More often, salty snacks are contraindicated for people with arthritis, gout. We do not recommend them to use during the period of exacerbation of any chronic diseases.

How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar for Weight Loss

Apple cider vinegar is prepared by the fermentation of apple juice. It is a natural remedy for a variety of health issues and has been resorted to for years. It has a lot to offer when it comes to weight loss- helps break down the complex fats and carbohydrates; reduces blood sugar level and cholesterol; reduces the food cravings; aids in digestion and body detox.

It is a low-calorie natural supplement with various nutrients and active ingredients- minerals, vitamins, soluble fibers, antioxidants and natural acids and enzymes- that helps to deal with obesity. It is prudent to know that apple cider vinegar in its concentrated (undiluted) form is a strong acid that should never be consumed raw. Our esophagus tube (food pipe) is not equipped to handle the same and can get severely damaged. Hence, it makes sense to dilute it with water so that the intensity comes down. Also, it is important to monitor the dosage regularly. Start with 5-10 ml per day and gradually increase it up to 30 ml (2 tablespoons) per day. Going beyond 30 ml is generally not recommended.

Let us discuss how Apple Cider Vinegar will help you to lose some weight and change your life for good:

• Helps to reduce Cholesterol level

Bile is a viscous yellowish liquid produced by the liver that helps to break down the dietary fats and to dispose off the leftover cholesterol and other toxins from the liver. Poor bile production hampers the liver activity which may result in accumulation of fats and cholesterol to cause obesity. Consuming one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar early in the morning kick-starts the bile production to promote fat breakdown and cholesterol decomposition.

• Lowers the blood sugar level

A spike in the blood sugar level increases the cravings for snacks and unhealthy processed foods which is a big turn off if you are trying to shed a few pounds. According to a study published in the Journal of Functional Foods, apple cider vinegar helps to lower the blood sugar level. The participants who drank 8 ounces of water (mixed with vinegar) prior to the meals recorded low levels of blood sugar than those who didn't.

• Aids in blocking Carbohydrates (starch)

Gone are the days, when it was believed that carbohydrates are bad for health. The new age of dieticians recommends consumption of carbohydrates on a regular basis to ensure a balanced diet.

The starch contained in carbohydrates has a tendency to quickly convert into glucose and stimulate the release of insulin in the body. The insulin triggers the storage of glucose in the form of fat. Hence, eating starchy food pushes your body into the fat storage mode.

How is apple cider vinegar going to help here?

The acetic acid content in the vinegar interferes with the body's ability to digest starch. It helps to reduce the storage of glucose in the form of fat. Over a period of time, this starch blockage activity would definitely have an effect on the body weight.

• Promotes a healthy digestive system

Your gut contains trillions of probiotics (healthy bacteria) that helps to break-down the complex food particles; combat the growth of disease causing microbes and regulates the immune system. Apple cider vinegar acts as a catalyst for these probiotics. The probiotics feed on the pectins contained in apple cider vinegar for growth and development. Hence, apple cider vinegar helps to maintain an optimum gut flora for smooth digestion and body metabolism.

• Suppresses the appetite

Apple cider vinegar contains pectins- a type of soluble fibers which provides a feeling of fullness to suppress the appetite for all the good reasons.

• It acts as a mild laxative and diuretic in nature

Apple cider vinegar acts as a mild laxative to accelerate the elimination process and ensure regular bowel movements. Also, it has a diuretic effect to release the excess stored water from the body.

• Promote body detox

Body detoxification refers to the thorough cleansing of the body to get rid of accumulated body wastes- undigested food, cholesterol, saturated fats and disease causing microbes. Due to unhealthy diet and poor lifestyle habits, the body metabolism gets slow down and piling up of body toxins starts. The combined effect of the sluggish body metabolism and accumulated body toxins would result in obesity. Apple cider vinegar is a detoxifying elixir- natural and safe. It promotes digestion, speed up the body metabolism, relieves constipation and excretes excess water from your body to detoxify your body from inside.

How to Consume Apple Cider Vinegar

Add 1-2 teaspoon (5-10 ml) of raw apple cider vinegar in one glass (250 ml) of water, stir well and drink it before the meals. If it causes temporary heartburn or irritation, simply dilute it with more water. You may mix it with your juice or other beverages as well. Some people prefer to sprinkle over the salads and other food preparations as per their taste.

The maximum, optimum dosage per day is 30 ml.

Precautionary measures and possible side effects

In general, apple cider vinegar is a natural, safe drink for people of all ages. Do consider below safety measures to get the best benefits:

• Avoid drinking it as the first thing in the morning- empty stomach- as it may irritate the gut lining and cause burning sensation.

• Dilute it enough- one teaspoon in one glass of water seems a good ratio.

• Due to acid content, over consumption of apple cider vinegar can damage the esophagus tube and tissues. Also, it can cause hypokalemia- a condition when the potassium in the blood falls below the required level.

• Don't forget to rinse your mouth well after drinking apple cider vinegar otherwise the acid in vinegar can erode the tooth enamel. Also, it can cause yellow staining on the teeth.

• During the initial few days of consumption, you may experience temporary symptoms such as diarrhea, stomach cramp, heartburn or headache. In majority of the cases, these symptoms would fade away within a few days. If the symptoms persist, stop consuming it and discuss with a health expert

• Pregnant ladies, nursing women and people with chronic health conditions should consult their doctors before consuming it.

In short, start slow- with small quantity and gradually increase it up to 2 tablespoons a day in well diluted form for optimum results.

Final words

Benefits of apple cider vinegar for weight loss are obvious. But, being a natural remedy, it should not be considered as a miracle and it would bring the best results when combined with a healthy, low-calorie diet and positive lifestyle with regular physical workout.